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来源:昭博雅思      发布时间:2011-01-29 14:16:23 点击次数:2519

Power Balance bracelet(能量手环)
Kate Middleton has made headlines in the past year, both for her engagement to Prince William and her incredible fashion sense. But the latest headlines to mention her name have not been nearly as flattering. Middleton was labeled a "dummy" by the UK charity Sense About Science (SAS) for wearing a Power Balance bracelet.


The silicone bracelet, invented by Californian brothers Josh and Troy Rodarmel in 2007, supposedly eliminates "negativity" from the body and boosts energy level. Scientists, however, have slammed the claims as "bunkum", saying that the bracelet doesn't work at all.


Britain's princess-to-be is not the only one sporting the bracelet, however. It has become the latest must-have accessory for the world's biggest stars, especially after soccer star David Beckham was spotted wearing one last August.


Beckham has not yet commented if it was the bracelet that helped him get back to peak fitness and finally back on the field in September.


But basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal has attributed his success to the bracelet. The Power Balance website quotes O’Neal as saying: "That night, while playing for the Phoenix Suns, there were about three of my teammates with the product on and we won that game by 57 points! I kept feeling something when I wore the bracelet."


Unfortunately for O'Neal, his claims have been proven to be more celebrity nonsense, as Power Balance was forced to admit misleading advertising in Australia last December.


The company has agreed to refund customers'money and remove the words "performance technology" from the bracelet, according to the BBC News.


However, the Japanese equivalent Phiten still claims that their titanium necklace can help promote life and relieve stress.


But Professor John Green at the University of Washington doesn't buy it. He told a Seattle newspaper: "I know of absolutely no scientific evidence to implicate titanium to improving performance."


SAS has released a report naming and shaming celebrities who have been guilty of promoting health fads with no basis in science. Let's take a look at some of 2010's main culprits:


Lemon Detox Diet (柠檬排毒餐)
British model Naomi Campbell revealed the secret of her stunning figure was a drink made from lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. Campbell claimed she survived on the drink alone for up to 18 days.


Expert: Detox is a marketing myth: our bodies detox naturally without any help from pricey drinks or diets.


Charcoal Diet (木炭排毒法)
British pop star Sarah Harding told Now magazine in April that she sprinkled charcoal over her food. "It doesn't taste of anything and apparently absorbs all the bad, damaging stuff in the body," said Harding.


Expert: It is unnecessary to eat charcoal because the body is already quite capable of removing any bad stuff.


Blood Type Diet (血型饮食)
British singer Cheryl Cole suggested that people eat foods based entirely on their blood types. For example, those with type O blood should have a high meat intake and consume no dairy. "It has made such a difference to how I feel and my energy levels," Cole said.


Expert: Your blood group cannot affect digestion or the way food is broken down.


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